About the Coach
Hello! My name is Issa Aviles and I'm a Certified Primal Health Coach based in Manila, Philippines.
I was always an active person: I was a dancer growing up, and even as a busy mom and professional I always found time for active pursuits. After having two kids I took to the gym, running and calorie restriction to keep from gaining weight. In 2012, however, I had a bit of a health scare that made me realize that my goal should not have been to be stay thin, but to be healthy. It set me off on a mission to find what worked for me in terms of diet and exercise, and I found myself combing through hundreds of often contradicting health articles and papers to get hold of credible information.
I was fortunate enough to stumble on Mark's Daily Apple, and soon after I started adopting a Primal lifestyle, I began to get the results I needed: my constant bloating and sugar cravings went away, my daily allergy-induced sniffles were gone, and I went from being sick almost on a monthly basis to hardly getting sick at all.
Because of my health transformation I found myself hungry for knowledge on Ancestral health, functional fitness and nutrition in general, and eventually got certified as a Primal Health Coach.
Today, I am stronger and fitter than I ever was in my youth and I look forward to helping others gain the same benefits by keeping to the simple but powerful guidelines in the Primal Blueprint.